Tuesday, May 11, 2010


S L E e P Y

Pink Bedroom Pictures, Images and Photos

nuCk tiDow keJaP.. dEn bAru baNGun pEgi joGGiNg


stiLL Tak JumPa...

Haiii koRAnG!! GoOd afTerNoON..


Dah mAsUk 2 haRi deRaNg yAng Lain tu wAt pRacTicaL

yaNg I ni,
juSt sTayin at hOme pOsiNg jeWp..

mAcAm dAh nUck gIve up jE caLL sAne siNi x daPat juGak
SUX!!! x guNe beToL laa...

teNgOk la if x dApAt juGAk tEmPat pRacTicaL daLam tiz wEEk or nExt wEek
I tAwaKal je La, neXt sEmESter bAru wat


Carnival Photography Pictures, Images and Photos

seMester ni ReLax je laa naMpaKnya...

Sunday, May 9, 2010


seBelum teRLupa

Mothers Day Pictures, Images and Photos

hEpi moTher's Day
to aLL motHers in d wHole wOrld..

2 my mOm (iBu), zaRuL saYang iBu SoO muCh
xDa iBu zaRuL poWn xda kaT DuNia nie
tHaNk You for all the thiNgs that U giVes to mE, siNce i was '1 hari' until now.. 22 years old oredy

thaNk you sOo muCh Bu.. 



balloons Pictures, Images and Photos

My Mom

My mom is very special,
My mom is very kind,
My mom always tells me I'm special,
She's always on my mind.

My mom watches me grow,
My mom watches me cry,
Of course she'll always know,
She'll never have to tell me goodbye.

My mom will always hug and kiss,
My mom will always care.
My days she will never miss,
Cuz I'm her little teddy bear.



Balloons Pictures, Images and Photos

hai guYs,
soRi la daH laMe giLa x upDate blog..
xda moOd la.. 
deNgaN liNe iNternet cam haMpeH pLus fiNal laGi aRi tu kAn
sO bZ ckit loRh... 

teNgaH seMesTer bReak.. 
yeAy, beSt beSt ley reHat puAs puAs

fOr seMeSter breAk kaLi ni ktoRg
kEne wat Practical Training..
2 buLaN macam tu, xDa la laMa saNgat kan
x sabAr nak StarT keJe
ExCited ni. huhu
sePatutNye sTart ari ni, but I maSeh x daPat tmPt
so den maSeh daLam pEncArian La
if X daPat juGak terPakSa la I wat sem dePan..

photography Pictures, Images and Photos

sEmesTer ni meManG baNyaK duaGaAn..

saBar saBar saBarrr...